Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High School, located in Central Davis, is a comprehensive secondary school that serves students in grades 7, 8, and 9. The school includes over 700 students, over 40 teachers, 2 full-time and 1 half-time counselors, a half-time librarian, 2 library tech, 3 office personnel and over 20 para-educators. At Holmes Junior High we are committed to the achievement of excellence in academics and all other curricular pursuits. We are also committed to the cultivation of individual abilities and talents in a supportive environment where respect for individual and group differences and for the rights of others guide behavior. All students are enrolled in five core subjects, including English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Students have the opportunity to enroll in two elective classes since we offer a seven period day at Holmes. Students can choose courses in world language, visual and performing arts, career and technical education, and leadership. Students may also enroll in special support classes such as AVID, Reading, Skills, Math Clinic, and STEEL.