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Holmes Freshmen, do you want to participate in sports at Davis High?

Check out the Davis High School Athletics Website for more information.

Davis Senior High School uses a digital platform to sign up for athletics. Please find the link below to register for a team.

Site to register for DSHS Athletics grades 9-12: www.athleticclearance.com

  • Choose California as your state
  • Click on register to set up an account
  • Use your school email address and create a password
  • Click on "Start Your Clearance Here"
  • Click on this school year and Click on Davis Senior High School as the school
  • Select a sport you are interested in signing up for
  • Complete the student information page

You will need to have a physical before you can register for DSHS Athletics.  If you have trouble getting an appointment with your doctor, you can also go to Davis Urgent Care for an appointment.